Helping to change the image of helping

Today the world is so different from what it was 4 months ago with COVID19 igniting a lot of loss. The loss of our loved ones, our health, our jobs, our life as we have known it so far. The world grieves for what was our “normal, ordinary life”. 

 Loss always brings about vulnerability. I felt that, 6 weeks ago, when income disappeared and so many people needed our help. I picked up a call from someone who wanted me to buy them food for the family after losing their jobs and I found myself saying “everything is going to be ok, we will figure something out, but right now I’m not sure I have enough food in my own house.” Man, I felt the vulnerable moment of loss, even though I knew we would be ok. 

When families look for help, when they are lacking food in their homes and really don’t know when the next pay or food basket will come…. That’s a moment of raw vulnerability. And what we do with that moment, I believe defines us as humans and as an organisation. 

I know that there are thousands of people out there who really want to help the more vulnerable, and they also want to know that their hard earned money is being well spent. We understand that so very well, and we know that non profits all over the world should be accountable for how their money is spent. 

 But we need to ensure that we are kind towards that vulnerability. That we keep these family’s dignities. And that means no sad photos. No pictures of dirty children. And certainly no pictures of people lining up to get food during this time. 

 The question is, if it was you (and it might just be), and you gathered the courage to accept the help that you need, how would you like to be treated in this vulnerable moment of your life? 

 As we navigate this time of uncertainty and we continue to brainstorm and be open as to how to help people from a more sustainable perspective, allow us to use your hard earned money with dignity. 

Despite all the challenges there’s also opportunities. Opportunities to care more about each other. Opportunities to change narratives. Opportunities to look at vulnerable communities who need our help and people who are equal and deserve dignity, just like you and me. 

Thank you for placing your trust in us,

Marta Macharia


What the Maasai taught me during COVID


Thankful, and so so proud